

Session Number


Session Title

Best Practices for Airport Obstruction Management

Track Title


Event Description/Abstract

This presentation highlights the results and resources from ACRP Best Practices for Airport Obstruction Management. Key topics include understanding objects, obstructions, obstacles, and hazards as defined by key regulations and standards; identifying the critical surface for airspace protection and special considerations; sources and uses of airport obstruction data, obstruction management tools available to airports; composite map development; airport sponsor responsibilities in obstruction management; and community outreach and conflict resolution tools.


Mar 6th, 3:00 PM Mar 6th, 3:50 PM

Best Practices for Airport Obstruction Management


This presentation highlights the results and resources from ACRP Best Practices for Airport Obstruction Management. Key topics include understanding objects, obstructions, obstacles, and hazards as defined by key regulations and standards; identifying the critical surface for airspace protection and special considerations; sources and uses of airport obstruction data, obstruction management tools available to airports; composite map development; airport sponsor responsibilities in obstruction management; and community outreach and conflict resolution tools.