Purdue e-Pubs - Purdue Road School: LWD and DCP

Presenter Information

Nayyar Zia-Siddiki, INDOTFollow

Session Number


Session Title

Use of DCP and LWD for Compaction Control

Track Title


Event Description/Abstract

This presentation will cover the use of DCP and LWD for soils and aggregates compaction, focusing on INDOT’s recommendations for soil sampling and laboratory testing and its criteria for the DCP blow counts and moisture content. These guidelines also include recommendations for estimating the blow counts and moisture during construction.


Mar 12th, 12:00 AM


This presentation will cover the use of DCP and LWD for soils and aggregates compaction, focusing on INDOT’s recommendations for soil sampling and laboratory testing and its criteria for the DCP blow counts and moisture content. These guidelines also include recommendations for estimating the blow counts and moisture during construction.