Presenter Information

Crystal Weaver, INDOTFollow

Session Number


Session Title

INDOT Hydraulics - New Policies Overview

Track Title


Event Description/Abstract

The new replacement-in-kind policy, which relaxes INDOT’s standard backwater policy in certain circumstances, will be reviewed in this presentation. Included are the new Q500 determination policy for scour, which provides several ways to estimate the Q500 for new bridge designs; the hydraulic requirements for scour calculations on bridge rehabilitation, which provide a brief history of and requirements for the bridge rehabilitation scour calculations; and common errors in hydraulics reports, which covers mistakes and omissions frequently seen by the Hydraulics Office.


Mar 11th, 12:00 AM

Scour Requirements for Bridge Rehabilitations

The new replacement-in-kind policy, which relaxes INDOT’s standard backwater policy in certain circumstances, will be reviewed in this presentation. Included are the new Q500 determination policy for scour, which provides several ways to estimate the Q500 for new bridge designs; the hydraulic requirements for scour calculations on bridge rehabilitation, which provide a brief history of and requirements for the bridge rehabilitation scour calculations; and common errors in hydraulics reports, which covers mistakes and omissions frequently seen by the Hydraulics Office.