Purdue e-Pubs - Purdue Road School: IndianaMap Resources

Session Number


Session Title

IndianaMap Resources

Track Title

Information Technology

Event Description/Abstract

The IndianaMap.org website makes over 260 separate layers of GIS data and services easily discoverable, viewable, and available in various formats for use by everyone. This presentation will discuss how IndianaMap provides statewide GIS data layers and technology to help Indiana’s local, state, and federal governments and private entities to access authoritative statewide GIS map layers across Indiana; utilize statewide county parcel and address data with the newest orthophotography, LiDAR, and national hydrography data; support the desktop, web, and mobile mapping needs; provide national hydrological data (NHD—6 acre drainage maps for your area); access elevation data and show its potential uses (LiDAR—Open Topography site); utilize imagery from different time periods— what is available, how to access it, and the future needs for orthophotography; and provide county boundary status.


Mar 12th, 12:00 AM

IndianaMap Resources

The IndianaMap.org website makes over 260 separate layers of GIS data and services easily discoverable, viewable, and available in various formats for use by everyone. This presentation will discuss how IndianaMap provides statewide GIS data layers and technology to help Indiana’s local, state, and federal governments and private entities to access authoritative statewide GIS map layers across Indiana; utilize statewide county parcel and address data with the newest orthophotography, LiDAR, and national hydrography data; support the desktop, web, and mobile mapping needs; provide national hydrological data (NHD—6 acre drainage maps for your area); access elevation data and show its potential uses (LiDAR—Open Topography site); utilize imagery from different time periods— what is available, how to access it, and the future needs for orthophotography; and provide county boundary status.