Session Number
Session Title
Total Liquid Routes and Anti-Icing Liquids
Track Title
Winter Ops
Event Description/Abstract
INDOT has successfully used salt brine in antiicing efforts as a way to deliver preventative treatment before an event (e.g., bridge deck frost) occurs. In 2011 INDOT investigated the use of salt brine in de-icing operations. This study executed a comparative analysis of brine routes and salt routes during two winter seasons (2011–2012 and 2012–2013). Another study item designed and fabricated a combination winter vehicle and analyzed its performance. This presentation will discuss the study findings and conclusions and how they apply to your winter operations.
Winter Operations
INDOT has successfully used salt brine in antiicing efforts as a way to deliver preventative treatment before an event (e.g., bridge deck frost) occurs. In 2011 INDOT investigated the use of salt brine in de-icing operations. This study executed a comparative analysis of brine routes and salt routes during two winter seasons (2011–2012 and 2012–2013). Another study item designed and fabricated a combination winter vehicle and analyzed its performance. This presentation will discuss the study findings and conclusions and how they apply to your winter operations.