The final conference program for the 2011 Road School can be found at the link below:

Conference Program (PDF)

The Purdue Road School consistently attracts over 2,000 Indiana local and state officials, consultants, and suppliers each year. An all-time record of 2,109 attendees was set in 2011! Important updates on pertinent transportation issues, as well as sessions on topics of general interest, are provided in the two-day conference. Road School also hosts regional meetings of several affiliated professional groups, such as the County Surveyors Association and the Indiana Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers.

Presentations of the 2011 Road School held at Purdue University may be found in the links below, organized first by the day they were presented and then alphabetically by the last name of the presenter. Presentations for which no presentation files were provided or for which permission to post was not granted have been omitted from this collection. Road School presenters who would like to have their presentation files added here should contact David Scherer, Digital Repository Specialist for Purdue e-Pubs, at

Tuesday, March 8th
12:00 AM

2010 Environmental Change Orders

Tom Harris, INDOT

12:00 AM

A Practical Approach to Compliance with ADA-2010

Brian D. Brown, DABEC

12:00 AM

Achieving Livable Communities Through Transportation

Jennifer Pyrz, Parsons Brinckerhoff

12:00 AM

Aggregates for Chip and Seal Pavement

Andy Gauck, Harrison Sand & Gravel Co
Quirin Gauck, Harrison Sand & Gravel Co
Brian Horner

12:00 AM

Bridge Construction and Concerns

Tom Brummett, INDOT
Jim Reilman, INDOT
Mike Stair, Parsons Brinckerhoff

12:00 AM

Building Basic Excel Equations

Carson J. Reeling, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Building Relationships: The Most Important Part

Dan Lybrook, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Creating Livable Communities - Transportation Planning Considerations

Lawrence Munn, Corradino LLC
Jennifer Pyrz, Parsons Brinkerhoff
Adam D. Thies, EDEN Collaborative

12:00 AM

Design Build 101

Greg Kicinski, INDOT

12:00 AM

Driving Indiana's Economic Growth: Bidding Alternate Pavement Designs

David Andrewski, INDOT
Pankaj Patel, INDOT
John Weaver, FHWA

12:00 AM

Driving Indiana's Economic Growth: Pavement Design Process

David Andrewski, INDOT
Pankaj Patel, INDOT
John Weaver, FHWA

12:00 AM

Every Day Counts: Pushing for Innovation by Taking the Initiative

Jim Stark, INDOT

12:00 AM

Hazard Elimination Project for Existing Roads and Streets

Laura Slusher, Indiana LTAP

12:00 AM

I-69 Communications Team

Jason A. DuPont, Bernardin, Lochmueller & Associates
David Pluckebaum, The Corradino Group
Dawn Replogle, URS Corp
Sam Sarvis, INDOT
Shelby Swango, Parsons Brinckerhoff

12:00 AM

Identifying Broken and Corroded Post-Tensioned Bars and Transverse Tendons

Siva Venugopalan, Siva Corrosion Services (SCS), Inc.

12:00 AM

Impact of Sustainable Energy Projects on Local Roads in Indiana

Karim A. Abdel Warith
Wayne Richardson
Jon D. Fricker, Purdue University
John E. Haddock, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Indiana Experience with Water Injected Foaming Device

Rick Flint, J.H. Rudolph & Co

12:00 AM

Indiana Statues and Rules for Professional Engineering Licensure; Professionalism and Ethics in the Practice of Professional Engineering

Vincent Drnevich, Purdue University

12:00 AM

INDOT Office of Traffic Safety

Mike Holowaty, INDOT

12:00 AM

Integrated Vegetation Management for Indiana Roadsides

Zachary E. Lowe, Purdue University
Jamie Herold, Purdue University
Matthew S. Kraushar, Purdue Extension

12:00 AM

Invasive species in Indiana - updates and opportunities

Ellen Jacquart, Nature Conservancy

12:00 AM

It's All About the Leaves on the Trees in the Urban Forest

Pam Louks, Indiana DNR, Division of Forestry

12:00 AM


Joyce Newland, FHWA Indiana

12:00 AM

Mobility Measurements (Traffic Measurements)

Major T. Melville, ISP
Meggan Simpson, INDOT
Jim Sturdevant, INDOT

12:00 AM

MUTCD for Operation/Maintenance Staff

Karen Stippich, FHWA

12:00 AM

New INDOT Traffic Safety Initiatives

John Nagle, INDOT
Craig Roth, Open Portal Solutions
Kevin Sifferlen, Open Portal Solutions

12:00 AM

Pesticide Sensitive Crops and Habitats Registry

Leighanne Hahn, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Preparing a Street or Highway Department Budget

Curtis Coonrod, C.L. Coonrod & Company
Stephanie L. Lilly, C.L. Coonrod & Company
Benjamin W. Roeger, C.L. Coonrod & Company

12:00 AM

Presentations that Work: Getting Back to the Basics

Tom Turpin, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Proprietary Items: Federal Requirements

Eryn Fletcher, FHWA

12:00 AM

Proprietary Materials: Approval Process

Shariq Husain, INDOT

12:00 AM

Safety Edge: Minimizing the Effects of Pavement Edge Drop-off

Chris Wagner, FHWA

12:00 AM

Spotting Incompatibility Problems in Concrete Mixtures

Chaitanya Paleti, Purdue University
Jan Olek, Purdue University

12:00 AM

SR 25 - Hoosier Heartland Highway: Lafayette to Logansport

Jim Earl, INDOT

12:00 AM

Strategic Highway Safety Program (SHSP) - The Next Generation

Roger Manning, INDOT

12:00 AM

The LPA Update

Audra Blasdel, INDOT

12:00 AM

The New US 31 Plymouth to South Bend

Trevor Mills, INDOT
Tim Muench, INDOT

12:00 AM

The New US 31: Hamilton County

Gary Pence, INDOT

12:00 AM

Transportation Asset Management for Local Agencies

Kathryn A. Zimmerman, Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.

12:00 AM

Understanding and Protecting Trees During Municipal Construction Projects

Jennifer Gulick, Davey Resource Group

12:00 AM

12:00 PM

Accelerating Bridge Construction (ABC) with Prefabricated Bridge Elements & Systems (PBES)

Keith Hoernschemeyer, FHWA

12:00 PM

Cost-Effectively Extending Service Lives of Severely Deteriorated Concrete Substructures

Siva Venugopalan, Siva Corrosion Services (SCS), Inc.

12:00 PM

Fast Track NEPA and Innovative Design-Build Solutions for Accelerated Ohio River Bridge Reconstruction

Kevin Hetrick, INDOT
Aaron Stover, Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Scott Zang, Michael Baker, Jr., Inc.

12:00 PM

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge System

Michael Adams
Jennifer Nicks
Daniel Alzamora
Warren Schlatter

12:00 PM

Wednesday, March 9th
12:00 AM

Accounting for Capital Assets Including General Infrastructure

Jon Peterson, Government Fixed Assets Services, Inc.
Mike Nielson, Government Fixed Assets Services, Inc.
Charlie Pride, Indiana State Board of Accounts

12:00 AM

ADA/504 Technical Assistance Tool

Ken Woodruff, Civil Rights Program Manager, FHWA

12:00 AM

Bridge Asthetic Fundamentals

Joe Showers, CH2M HILL

12:00 AM

Bridge Deck Overlay Projects 101

Greg Carleton, INDOT
George Snyder, INDOT

12:00 AM

Bridge Preservation Beyond the Short Term

Anwar S. Ahmad, Federal Highway Administration

12:00 AM

Central Indiana's Transportation Initiative

Anna Tyszkiewicz, Indianaplolis MPO

12:00 AM

Change Orders on Federal-aid Highway Construction Projects

Bren George, FHWA
Mark Miller, INDOT
Greg Pankow, INDOT

12:00 AM

Commericially Useful Function: Oversight/Monitoring and Counting DBE use on Federal Aid Highway Projects

Ken Woodruff, Civil Rights Program Manager, FHWA

12:00 AM

Comparative Evaluation of Public-Private Partnerships in Roadway Preservation

Panagiotis Ch. Anastasopoulos, Purdue University
Mouyid Bin Islam, Purdue University
Matthew Volovski, Purdue University
Jarrett Powell, Purdue
Samuel Labi, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Complete Streets

Raymond Hess, City of Bloomington

12:00 AM

Concrete Pavement: Selections of Concrete Materials

Jerry Larson, Indiana Ready Mixed Concrete

12:00 AM

Culvert Slip Lining

Scott Brown, CPI Supply
Darin Duncan, CPI Supply
Stephen Ritzler, INDOT
Sam Martin, INDOT

12:00 AM

Development of a Fatigue/Fracture Database

Robert Connor, Purdue University
Bob McCullough, Purdue University
Ryan Sherman, Purdue University
Jason Provines, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Ditch Associations and Drainage Maintenance Districts

Richard Vermillion, Knox County

12:00 AM

Earth Retention Systems in Cut-Wall Applications

Scott J. Ludlow, Earth Exploration, Inc.

12:00 AM

Economics 101 - Minimizing Project Costs Without Sacrificing Quality

Dudley Bonte, Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc.

12:00 AM

Effectively Communicating with the Media

Roger Harvey, BOSE Public Affairs Group

12:00 AM

Enforcement of Scenic Byway Laws, Rules, and Policy

Bob Demuth, INDOT

12:00 AM

Extending Performance with Proper Asphalt Compaction

Ken Walschlager, Milestone Contractors, L.P.

12:00 AM

Federal Funding for Fiscal Year 2010

Gary Eaton, INDOT

12:00 AM

Financial Oversight of the Federal-aid Program

Robert Tally, FHWA

12:00 AM

Full Depth Reclamation

James W. Render, Essroc Cement

12:00 AM

Full Depth Reclamation

John Hood, BOMAG Americas

12:00 AM

Funding Roundtable

John Habermann, Indiana LTAP/Purdue University

12:00 AM

Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Stormwater Management

Chadwick Appleman, Davey Resource Group

12:00 AM

Highway Performance Monitoring System 101

Eric Conklin, INDOT
Kirk Mangold, INDOT

12:00 AM

HSM Overview: Introduction and Background

Dave Engstrom, FHWA

12:00 AM

Hydraulic Culvert Design and Hy-8

Crystal Weaver, INDOT
John Bartolo, INDOT

12:00 AM

I-70 Dedicated Truck Lanes Feasibility Study

Keith Bucklew, INDOT

12:00 AM

Importance of Traffic Data Collection Coordination

J.P. Hopman, Collecting and Processing Traffic Data
Greg Katter, INDOT
Kirk Mangold, INDOT

12:00 AM

InCORS Indiana's Statewide GNSS-GPS Real Time Network

Eric N. Banschbach, INDOT

12:00 AM

Indiana Criminal Justice Institute

Ryan Klitzsch, Indiana Criminal Justice Institute

12:00 AM

Indiana MUTCD: for Operations and Maintenance, Issues/Solutions Part II

Joseph Bruno, INDOT
David Boruff, INDOT
Todd Shields, INDOT

12:00 AM

INDOT Benchmark Project 2009

Don Mohid, INDOT

12:00 AM

INDOT Culvert Sizing Policy

John Bartolo, INDOT
Crystal Weaver, INDOT

12:00 AM

INDOT Roadway Preservation Initiative Update

Bill Tompkins, INDOT

12:00 AM

INDOT Title VI Program

Latosha Higgins, INDOT
Ken Woodruff, FHWA

12:00 AM

INDOT's New Long Range Plan/Capital Program Management Roadmap

Roy Nunnally, INDOT
Brad Steckler, INDOT
Gary Mroczka, INDOT

12:00 AM


Audra Blasdel, INDOT

12:00 AM

Innovative Intersection Solutions

Amanda Johnson, A&F Engineering
Abhishek Joshi, A&F Engineering

12:00 AM

Keeping Track of Your Local Road Projects

Jessica Mitchell, Michiana Area Council of Governments
James Turnwald, Michiana Area Council of Governments

12:00 AM

Legal Issues Involving Apparent Road Right of Way

Jason P. Lueking, Bamberger, Foreman, Oswald & Hahn, LLP

12:00 AM

Life-Cycle Costing for Innovative Pavement Preservation Treatments

David Hein, Applied Research Associates

12:00 AM

Light Weight Fills

Curtis R. Bradburn, Earth Exploration, Inc.
Marc A. Rape, Strand Associates, Inc.

12:00 AM

MUTCD for Elected Officials

Karen Stippich, FHWA Indiana Division

12:00 AM

New Design Guidelines for Accommodating Trucks at multilane Roudabouts

Wes Butch, DLZ Corp

12:00 AM

New INDOT/FHWA Stewardship and Oversight Agreement

Ken Leuderalbert, FHWA
John Weaver, FHWA

12:00 AM

New MUTCD Requirements for Operations

Todd Shields, INDOT Technical Services Manager

12:00 AM

NIRPC Complete Streets Guidelines

Mitch Barloga, NIRPC

12:00 AM

Pedestrians and Intersections

Andrew Gast-Bray, Storrow Kinsella Associates
Michael Koslow, Storrow Kinsella Associates
Nathan Sheets, City of Indianapolis Traffic Engineering

12:00 AM

Practical Ideas for Making History & Context Matter in Design Decisions

Mary McCahon, Tran Systems

12:00 AM

Practices Needed During Design, Shop Drawing Preparation and Construction of Long Span Post-Tensioned Bridges: Two Construction Techniques

Marvin Burns, Janssen & Spaans Engineering, Inc.

12:00 AM

Project Materials Usage and Concerns

Ron Walker, INDOT
Nathan Saxe, INDOT

12:00 AM

Proper Design Details for PCC Pavement Performance

Mike Byers, Indiana Chapter – American Concrete Pavement Association

12:00 AM


Larry Jones, City of Indianapolis Publicworks Dept
Greg Henneke, American Structurepoint

12:00 AM

Repair of Concrete Pavement, Options and Performance

Mike Byers, Indiana Chapter – American Concrete Pavement Association

12:00 AM

Resources to Help you Implement a Complete Streets Policty

Irene Wegner, AARP Indiana

12:00 AM


Suzanne R. Delay, DNR

12:00 AM

Road Safety Audit Fundamentals

Rick Drumm, FHWA

12:00 AM

Road Safety Audits

Rick Drumm, Federal Highway Administration

12:00 AM

Roadway Departure Countermeasures

Dave Engstrom, FHWA

12:00 AM

Roller Compacted Concrete Manual for Local Government Agencies

Neal Carboneau, Purdue University

12:00 AM

RSIT2 - A Tool for Road Safety Audits

Andrew Tarko, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Seymour District Erosion Control Review Team

Joe Jones, INDOT

12:00 AM

Small Structure Design 101

Mark Williams, INDOT
Richard Thomas, INDOT

12:00 AM

Successful Citizen Service: This Road's Built for You

Pam Broviak, City of Geneva, IL

12:00 AM

Tack Coat Applications

Lynn Shireman, Milestone Contractors, L.P.

12:00 AM

The Highway Beautification Act of 1965 (HBA) 23 USC 131 and Scenic Byways

Colleen Smith, INDOT

12:00 AM

The Highway Safety Manual: Predictive Methods

Dave Engstrom, FHWA

12:00 AM

The Historic Bridge Project Development Process

Mary Kennedy, INDOT

12:00 AM

The I-465 West Leg Reconstruction Project

Alex Hainen, Purdue University
Ian Lockwood, AECOM
Tim Miller, HNTB
John Pangallo, INDOT
Steve Remias, Purdue University

12:00 AM

The Joint Transportation Research Program & Purdue Library Publishing Services

Paul Bracke, Purdue University
Mark Newton, Purdue University
Charles Watkinson, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Thin LIFT ASPHALT Pavement Construction

Charlie Holland, Asphalt Pavement Association of IN

12:00 AM

Traffic Records Data Improvements

Neil Moore, Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
Nils D. King, Indiana Criminal Justice Institute

12:00 AM

Trail and Greenways Plan: Collaborative Public Process Creates Buy In Success

Brian O. Martin, Burgess and Niple

12:00 AM

Understanding a Federal Audit

Robert Dirks, FHWA

12:00 AM

Use of railroad flatcars as bridges on low-volume roads

Robert Connor, Purdue University
Ryan Sherman, Purdue University
Jason Provines, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Using Internal Curing in Concrete Bridge Decks

Carmelo Di Bella, Purdue University
John Schlitter, Purdue University
Igor De La Varga, Purdue University
Nathan Phares, Purdue University
Jason Weiss, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Visibility and Safety for the Life of the Road

Charles Fay, Transportation Research Board

12:00 AM

Winter Maintenance and Salt Brine

Mark Cornwell, Sustainable Salting Solutions, LLC

12:00 AM

Work Zone Traffic Control for Construction

Pat McCarty, INDOT

12:00 AM

Work Zone Traffic Control Handbook

Pat McCarty, INDOT

12:00 AM

Thursday, March 10th
12:00 AM

LPA Certification Training

Dan Keefer, FHWA

12:00 AM

Performance Measures for Signalized Intersections

Christopher Day, Purdue University
Jay Grossman, Elkhart County
Tom Vandenberg, Butler, Fairman & Seufert, Inc.

12:00 AM