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Tuesday, March 29th
12:00 AM

Front Matter

Purdue Road School

12:00 AM

Final Program

Purdue Road School

12:00 AM

Internet Tools and Your Agency

Benjamin T. Ballou, Hodges & Davis, P.C.

12:00 AM

Hunting County Case Study

Jeromy Grenard, American Consulting, Inc.

12:00 AM

Avoiding Powerpoint-Induced Coma

Mike Jacob, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Town of Avon Case Study

Matthew Miller, DLZ Indiana LLC

12:00 AM

Wednesday, March 30th
12:00 AM

Techniques for Effective Technical Testimony

Mary L. Davidsen Judge, Office of Environmental Adjudication

12:00 AM

Maintenance Issues

Thomas Duncan, INDOT

12:00 AM

Pavement Management

William Flora, INDOT

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Pavement Preservation

William Flora, INDOT

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Bridge Management

Jaffar Golkhajeh, INDOT

12:00 AM

INDOT/DNR Cooperative Projects

Tom Hohman, INDOT

12:00 AM

Safety Issues for Maintenance Workers

Mike Hougland, INDOT

12:00 AM

Pros and Cons of Internet Bidding Panel Discussion

Andrea Johnson, Indiana Association of Cities and Towns
Rick Morrissey, City of Lafayette
Craig Adkins, Southeastern Equipment Co., Inc

12:00 AM

LTAP Helpers Program - Case Studies

Laurie Johnson, Purdue University

12:00 AM

Back to Basics: Geosynthetics and Road Applications Part I (.3 CEU)

Athar Khan, INDOT
Gregg Williams, Tenax Corporation
Jim Sanneman, Contech Construction Products, Inc.
Duane Alverson, Lake County Highway Department

12:00 AM

Use of Gabions for Stabilization

Chris Moore, INDOT

12:00 AM

Congestion Management

John Nagle, INDOT

12:00 AM

GASB 34 Update

Mike Nielsen, Government Fixed Asset Services, Inc.

12:00 AM

I-69 Corridor Project

Janice Osadczuk, INDOT
Lyle Sadler, INDOT

12:00 AM

The Role of an ADA Corrdinator in Creating Accessible Environments

Juli Paini, Indianapolis Mayor's Office of Disability Affairs

12:00 AM

Sidewalk Management - ADA Issues in Indiana

Greg Fehribach, Fehribach Group

12:00 AM

Road Diets

Jennifer Rosales, Parsons Brinckerhoff

12:00 AM

Leadership as an Attitude

Rodney Vandeveer, Purdue University

12:00 AM

The Uniform Act Rewrite - Relocation Issues

David Walterscheid, FHWA Office of Real Estate Services

12:00 AM

Pregrade Contract on SR 129 Allowing Early Utility Relocations

Brad Wathen, INDOT

12:00 AM

I-465 Fasttrack Project,Indianapolis

Mark Zwoyer, R.W. Armstrong and Associates, Inc.
Kevin Russell, A2SO4 Architecture, LLC

12:00 AM

Thursday, March 31st
12:00 AM

INDOT Deisgn and Construction to Post-Tension Structures

Showers Joe, CH2M Hill
Steve Fleming, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.
Brian Hoppel, Walsh Construction Co.

12:00 AM

SR 66 Storm Sewer Tunnel Project in Evansville

Jeff Lazzell, Woolpert LLP
Peggy Gamse, Lyman Henn, Inc.
Scott Ludlow, Earth Exploration, Inc.
Curt Schum, Vincennes District, INDOT
Kurt Pelz, Vincennes District, INDOT
Mark Rybak, Affholder, Inc.

12:00 AM

INDOT Design and Construction of Post-Tension Structures

Showers Joe, CJ2M Hill
Steve Fleming, Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.
Brian Hoppel, Walsh Construction Co.

12:00 AM

SR 66 Storm Sewer Tunnel Project in Evansville

Jeff Lazzell, Woolpert LLP
Peggy Ganse, Lyman Henn, Inc.
Scott Ludlow, Earth Exploration, Inc.
Curt Schum, Vincennes District, INDOT
Kurt Pelz, Vincennes District, INDOT
Mark Rybak, Affholder, Inc.

12:00 AM