Purdue e-Pubs - Purdue GIS Day: Visualizing Election Results with ArcGIS

Presenter Information

Ryan Day, Purdue UniversityFollow


In 2018, Porter County, Indiana held its municipal elections concurrent with the national midterm elections. Using ArcGIS, the election results for the fourway race for the Duneland School Board at-large seat are mapped. These results are compared to other area election results, voter characteristics, and previous election results to try to visualize the correlation between factors affecting the race, including candidate ideology, geographic base, area demographics, turnout, and national electoral trends. This project serves as a demonstration of how GIS software can improve the understanding of what influences voters and election outcomes.

Start Date


Document Type



Election, mapping, voter, demographics

Session List



Nov 1st, 12:00 AM

Visualizing Election Results with ArcGIS

In 2018, Porter County, Indiana held its municipal elections concurrent with the national midterm elections. Using ArcGIS, the election results for the fourway race for the Duneland School Board at-large seat are mapped. These results are compared to other area election results, voter characteristics, and previous election results to try to visualize the correlation between factors affecting the race, including candidate ideology, geographic base, area demographics, turnout, and national electoral trends. This project serves as a demonstration of how GIS software can improve the understanding of what influences voters and election outcomes.