
Often, when governmental and non-governmental entities attempt to make plans for future water supply and environmental flows they fall into the trap of developing strategies for specific locations rather than working together and approaching a problem from a basin or regional scale. The problem persists when lack of knowledge of local situations and confining management plans with city and county lines merge together. The purpose of this study is to project future water use and then to reveal if there is any pattern in renewable water supply in Indiana to provide a basis for policy makers and stakeholders to consider possible adaptations.


Stewart Center, Room 218

Start Date


Document Type


Session List



Nov 1st, 12:00 AM

Indiana freshwater use projection and spatial analysis for renewable water supply

Stewart Center, Room 218

Often, when governmental and non-governmental entities attempt to make plans for future water supply and environmental flows they fall into the trap of developing strategies for specific locations rather than working together and approaching a problem from a basin or regional scale. The problem persists when lack of knowledge of local situations and confining management plans with city and county lines merge together. The purpose of this study is to project future water use and then to reveal if there is any pattern in renewable water supply in Indiana to provide a basis for policy makers and stakeholders to consider possible adaptations.