
medical interactions, discrimination

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Social Sciences/Humanities

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While research on healthcare disparities exist, specifically about racial disparities and pain, no studies have explored how these implicit biases impact young adults and their social interactions with their doctors. This study explored how race, age, and gender impacts the way that their medical professionals interact with their patients. A survey was sent out to many students of Purdue University where they answered various questions regarding their doctor visits. African American participants reported feeling as though their medical doctors were unwilling to pursue more extensive or serious treatment when compared to the responses of Caucasians, Asians, and other ethnicities. A larger percentage of African Americans, when compared to other races, also felt as though their symptoms were ignored by their medical doctors.



Doctor Interaction: Is there discriminatory treatment at play?

While research on healthcare disparities exist, specifically about racial disparities and pain, no studies have explored how these implicit biases impact young adults and their social interactions with their doctors. This study explored how race, age, and gender impacts the way that their medical professionals interact with their patients. A survey was sent out to many students of Purdue University where they answered various questions regarding their doctor visits. African American participants reported feeling as though their medical doctors were unwilling to pursue more extensive or serious treatment when compared to the responses of Caucasians, Asians, and other ethnicities. A larger percentage of African Americans, when compared to other races, also felt as though their symptoms were ignored by their medical doctors.