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Manuscripts from 2006
A story for all Americans: Vietnam, victims, and veterans, Frank L. Grzyb and John F. Kerry
Vietnam, four American perspectives: Lectures , George S. McGovern, William C. Westmoreland, Edward N. Luttwak, Thomas J. McCormick, and Patrick F. Hearden
Woman in the war: A bibliography, Relief M. Nims
The arguments of agriculture: A casebook in contemporary agricultural controversy, Jan Wojcik
Manuscripts from 2002
Applied ethics in animal research: Philosophy, regulation, and laboratory applications, John P. Gluck, Tony DiPasquale, and F. Barbara Orlans
A passion for ideas: How innovators create the new and shape our world, Heinrich V. Pierer and Bolko V. Oetinger
Manuscripts from 2001
(A)wry views: Anamorphosis, Cervantes, and the early picaresque, David R. Castillo
The leader’s imperative: Ethics, integrity, and responsibility, J. C. Ficarrotta
Hard water: Politics and water supply in Milwaukee, 1870-1995, Kate Foss-Mollan
Program management: A comprehensive overview of the discipline, Mitchell L. Springer
Manuscripts from 2000
Bypass: A memoir, Joseph A. Amato
Call Center Benchmarking: How Good Is, Jon Anton and David Gustin
Women succeeding in the sciences: Theories and practices across disciplines , Jody Bart
Wake up your call center: Humanizing your interaction hub, Rosanne D’Ausilio
Constructing the criollo archive: Subjects of knowledge in the Bibliotheca mexicana and the Rusticatio mexicana, Antony Higgins
RAF wings over Florida: Memories of World War II British air cadets, Willard Largent
Reinterpreting modern culture: An introduction to Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy, Paul V. Tongeren
Manuscripts from 1999
Rescuing rover: A first aid and disaster guide for dog owners, Sebastian E. Heath
Manuscripts from 1973
The ecology of stray dogs: A study of free-ranging urban animals, Alan M. Beck