"Search for Very Light CP-Odd Higgs Boson in Radiative Decays of gamma(" by W. Love, V. Savinov et al.

Published in:

Physical Review Letters 101,15 ( 2008 )


We search for a non-SM-like CP-odd Higgs boson (a10) decaying to tau+tau- or µ+µ- in radiative decays of the Upsilon(1S). No significant signal is found, and upper limits on the product branching ratios are set. Our tau+tau- results are almost 2 orders of magnitude more stringent than previous upper limits. Our data provide no evidence for a Higgs state with a mass of 214 MeV decaying to µ+µ-, previously proposed as an explanation for 3 Sigma+-->pµ+µ- events observed by the HyperCP experiment. Our results constrain NMSSM models.

Date of this Version

January 2008



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