Published in:
Physical Review Letters 92,11 (2004) 112301;
Link to original published article:
Transverse mass and rapidity distributions for charged pions, charged kaons, protons, and antiprotons are reported for roots(NN)=200 GeV pp and Au+Au collisions at Relativistic Heary Ion Collider (RHIC). Chemical and kinetic equilibrium model fits to our data reveal strong radial flow and long duration from chemical to kinetic freeze-out in central Au+Au collisions. The chemical freeze-out temperature appears to be independent of initial conditions at RHIC energies.
proton-antiproton collisions;; plus au reactions;; excitation-function;; nuclear collisions;; midrapidity;; matter;; model;; kaon;; qcd;; ags
Date of this Version
January 2004