Date of Award

Spring 2014

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Technology Leadership and Innovation

First Advisor

Edie K. Schmidt

Committee Member 1

Nathan W. Hartman

Committee Member 2

Henry W. Kraebber


Integrating Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in a company is important. Currently, many companies have difficulties on integrating PLM and ERP systems. This study developed a prototype (sandbox) of PLM and ERP integrated system for demonstrating BOM transmission in a PLM and ERP integrated system, describing key aspects of system integration and BOM transmission. This sandbox will facilitate users' knowledge on how to process transactions in a PLM and ERP integrated system. The BOM accuracy was examined by comparing BOM data in PLM system to BOM data in ERP system after implementing engineering changes. This study was limited to Teamcenter PLM, SAP ERP and Tesis Gateway for SAP.
