"Detection and Management of Diabetes Mellitus (Type -II)" by Ridhi Deo

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Engineering Technology

Committee Chair

Suranjan Panigrahi

Committee Member 1

Frederick Berry

Committee Member 2

Edward A. Lieghty


Diabetes is a life threatening disease. Diabetes is also hereditary and its incidence depends on factors pertaining to the health, lifestyle and family background of an individual. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a special case in diabetes which occurs only during pregnancy. The aim of the author’s thesis is to mathematically model the risk factors for diabetes (type -2). The factors are modeled to predict if an individual will have diabetes. The model is aimed at being beneficial to patients so that they can determine if their current lifestyle habits are healthy. The purpose of the thesis is to explore potential pathways and provide a proof of concept for detecting glucose non-invasively using saliva.
