Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Computer and Information Technology

Committee Chair

Thomas J. Hacker

Committee Member 1

Baijian Yang

Committee Member 2

John A. Springer


Plenty of data is produced every second in the world. Having a huge amount of data, finding valuable data in a collection is much more difficult than before. There are many methods for data storage and retrieval. The file system is one of them and it is used by users on a computer. The current file system is based on the information storage concepts which is proposed in 1965. It manages the file metadata and provides the functionality that maps the file path to the data stored on the disk. However, it manages limited file metadata which is not able to provide a high efficient information retrieval service. Especially in this age of information explosion, the current file system cannot satisfy the users’ requirement of data retrieval. In this research, a content searchable file system is proposed to provide an idea about how to improve the current file system. This file system is designed to allow user to search the information relevant to the content of the files. A new method to manage the file metadata will also be applied in this content searchable file system. Several experiments are designed and performed to compare the performance of the current file system and this new file system.
