Date of Award

January 2015

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Forestry and Natural Resources

First Advisor

Bryan C Pijanowski

Committee Member 1

Patrick A Zollner

Committee Member 2

Jeffrey D Holland

Committee Member 3

Songlin Fei


The study of the new field of soundscape ecology presents several research avenues to explore. In the chapters in this dissertation, I have followed several of the technical and methodological areas of the study of soundscapes. In Chapter 1, I presented the current status of the study of soundscapes as well as an overview of the contributions made in this dissertation to the field. These contributions were framed in the definition of ecological informatics (Michener and Jones 2012). In Chapter 2, I developed a web-based system to manage audio archives. This system organizes thousands of audio files while collecting the necessary metadata.
