Date of Award

January 2016

Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Curriculum & Instruction

First Advisor

Frank Robert Sabol

Committee Member 1

Donna Enersen

Committee Member 2

David Sears

Committee Member 3

Yukiko Maeda


In the era of high stakes testing and teacher accountability, schools in the US continue the fight to prevent high school drop-outs and meet the needs of academically struggling students. Both the visual arts and mentoring programs have been shown to improve academic performance and emotional well-being. This study examined the impact of an art mentoring program on academically struggling high school students who became art mentors to elementary students. It considered the impact being an art mentor would have on academic success, delinquent behavior, and self-concept. Results suggest a positive relationship between being an art mentor and academic performance as defined through a .5 average positive increase in GPA and positive changes noted by classroom teachers. Results did not reveal a significant change in delinquent behavior or self-concept and suggest the need for further research in those areas.
