Date of Award
January 2015
Degree Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Advisor
Vladimir M Shalaev
Committee Member 1
Alexander V Kildishev
Committee Member 2
Alexandra Boltasseva
Committee Member 3
Evgenii Narimanov
The emergence of photonic metasurfaces - planar arrays of nano-antennas - has enabled a new paradigm of light control through wave-front engineering. Space-gradient metasurfaces induce spatially varying phase and/or polarization to propagating light. As a consequence, photons propagating through space-gradient metasurfaces can be engineered to undergo a change to their momentum, angular momentum and/or spin states.
Recommended Citation
Shaltout, Amr, "Photonic Metasurfaces for Spatiotemporal and Ultrafast Light Control" (2015). Open Access Dissertations. 1145.