"Lifestyle Intervention’s Effect and Predictive Value on Weight Loss fo" by Elizabeth Wang, Azza H. Ahmed et al.


Obesity is a costly and pervasive risk factor that requires attention to reduce chronic disease rates. This study evaluated the effect of a lifestyle medicine intervention, Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP), on reducing weight, blood pressure, lipid levels, and hemoglobin A1c. A secondary aim was to build a preliminary predictive model for computing new participants’ potential weight change from CHIP. We evaluated pre- and post-intervention biometric data of 68 individuals who completed a 10-week CHIP intervention at a Midwestern university clinic. Significant reductions (p < 0.05) were observed in weight, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and A1c. Regression analyses indicated that the best linear model for predicting change in weight was a one-predictor model with systolic blood pressure. The CHIP intervention effectively promoted weight loss and meaningful reductions in chronic disease risk factors. Larger samples are needed for future regression analyses to create a more robust linear model.


This is the author-accepted manuscript of Wang, E, Ahmed, A, Liu, P, and Richards, EA. "Lifestyle Intervention’s Effect and Predictive Value on Weight Loss for University Employees." Western Journal of Nursing Research 43 (4): 347-355. Copyright Sage, the version of record is available at DOI: 10.1177/0193945920947004.


biomarkers, chronic disease, healthy lifestyle, obesity, risk factors

Date of this Version

