"nanoHUB.org - online simulation and more materials for semiconductors " by Gerhard Klimeck, Michael McLennan et al.


IEEE nano 2008, Arlington, TX


nanoHUB.org provides a community service to over 65,000 users in over 172 countries annually with “online simulations and and more”. Over 85 interactive simulation tools supported by tutorials and general nanotechnology information material are available free of charge to anybody. In all there are over 1,000 resources on nanoHUB. Usage in over 30 classes in the last year and over 270 citations in the literature demonstrate dual usage of nanoHUB in education and research. The content is contributed by members of the Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) which hosts nanoHUB and an increasing number of users. nanoHUB.org is supported by a state-of-the-art content management system and embraces Web 2.0 technologies, that engage the user community through automated contribution processes, tagging, and user ratings. User ratings, usage patterns, and scientific citations of nanoHUB content flow into the content ranking which influences the ranking in nanoHUB searches and category listings. Despite these advanced capabilities, some users still benefit from “personal collections” or “topic pages” by domain experts that aggregate nanoHUB content for specific audiences. Here we highlight the topic pages on “Nanoelectronics”, “Non-Equilibrium Green Functions”, and “Semiconductor Device Education Materials” as examples relevant to the IEEE nano community.

Date of this Version

August 2008
