
Biologically-inspired eep learning, FFA, Face recognition


Last year, I reported on preliminary results of an anatomically-inspired deep learning model of the visual system and its role in explaining the face inversion effect. This year, I will report on new results and some variations on network architectures that we have explored, mainly as a way to generate discussion and get feedback. This is by no means a polished, final presentation!

We look forward to the group’s suggestions for these projects.





The Model 2.0 and Friends: An Interim Report


Last year, I reported on preliminary results of an anatomically-inspired deep learning model of the visual system and its role in explaining the face inversion effect. This year, I will report on new results and some variations on network architectures that we have explored, mainly as a way to generate discussion and get feedback. This is by no means a polished, final presentation!

We look forward to the group’s suggestions for these projects.