Session 2: Cortical interactions | 2018 MODVIS Workshop

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Wednesday, May 16th
2:30 PM

Divisive Inhibition as a Solution to the Correspondence Problem in Perceptual Grouping


Chien-Chung Chen, National Taiwan University
Yi-Shiuan Lin, Universitat Regensburg
Li Lin, National Taiwan University

2:30 PM - 2:55 PM

2:55 PM

Appropriate kernels for Divisive Normalization explained by Wilson-Cowan equations


Jesus Malo, Image Processing Lab. Universitat de Valencia
Marcelo Bertalmio, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

2:55 PM - 3:20 PM

3:20 PM

Why Latent Representations in Convolutional Neural Networks Fall Outside Visual Space


Katerina Malakhova, Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

St.Petersburg, Russia

3:20 PM - 3:45 PM

4:15 PM

Visual Category learning by means of Basal Ganglia


Fred H. Hamker, Chemnitz University of Technology
Francesc Villagrasa, Chemnitz University of Technology
Javier Baladron, Chemnitz University of Technology
Henning Schroll, Chemnitz University of Technology
Julien Vitay, Chemnitz University of Technology

4:15 PM - 4:40 PM

4:40 PM

Effect of Noise on Mutually Inhibiting Pyramidal Cells in Visual Cortex: Foundation of Stochasticity in Bi-stable Perception


Naoki Kogo, Biophysics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University
Felix Kern, School of Life Sciences, Sussex Neuroscience, University of Sussex
Thomas Nowotny, School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex
Raymond van Ee, Brain and Cognition, University of Leuven
Richard van Wezel, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University
Takeshi Aihara, Graduate School of Brain Sciences, Tamagawa University

4:40 PM - 5:05 PM

5:05 PM

Inferring the neural representation of faces from adaptation aftereffects


Kara J. Emery, University of Nevada, Reno
Michael A. Webster Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno

5:05 PM - 5:30 PM