"Preservation Policies of the Purdue University Research Repository (PU" by Lisa Zilinski


This presentation was given at the 77th ASIS&T annual meeting, October 31 - November 5, 2014 in Seattle, Washington.

This presentation was a part of a panel titled, "Transforming the Data Landscape: Connecting Data, Policies, and Communities." Panelists: Joan E. Beaudoin, Deborah H. Charbonneau, Suzie Allard, Carol Tenopir, Hsin-Liang Chen, Yin Zhang, Jian Qin, and Lisa Zilinski


Linking publications to published datasets in repositories is an important part of the research lifecycle. However, merely linking them does not ensure reusability. It is important for repositories to develop and provide policies for preservation that support the reusability, including lifecycle, ownership, versioning, and attribution aspects of the scholarly process (Bechhofer et al., 2013). In 2103, the Purdue University Libraries developed and implemented a workflow between its institutional repository, its e-Pubs system and its research data repository, Purdue University Research Repository or PURR (Zilinski et al., forthcoming), as well as journal articles linked to published datasets in PURR. This workflow links the original publication, the archived version of the research publication, and the published/archived data behind the publication. This presentation will provide an overview of the workflow in place within Purdue University Libraries, and discuss the preservation policies surrounding data in PURR.


data repositories, preservation, policy, open data

Date of this Version

