The Purdue University Research Repository (PURR, http://research.hub.purdue.edu) uses HUBzero to provide a research collaboration and data management solution for campus researchers. The National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and other funding agencies have begun requiring that researchers describe in their grant proposals how they will manage and share the data that will be produced in their research. Purdue researchers can include PURR in their data management plans, invite collaborators to work with them in a private projects on PURR, and publish datasets that can be cited using Digital Object Identifiers (DOI). This presentation will explore Purdue’s data repository service model including its service definition, governance, roles and responsibilities, workflows, policies, and support, in addition to the functional role of HUBzero. The collaborative approach of the Purdue University Libraries, Office of the Vice President for Research, and Information Technology at Purdue in developing and maintaining PURR will also be presented. Support for the entire research data lifecycle -- from the creation of datasets to their long-term digital preservation and eventual reuse -- will be displayed in a live demonstration that will include an overview of the project functionality and dataset publication that was developed for PURR.
HUBzero, Purdue University Research Repository, PURR
Date of this Version
Recommended Citation
Matthews, Courtney E. and Witt, Michael, "PURR: A Research Data Curation Service Model Using Hubzero" (2012). Libraries Faculty and Staff Presentations. Paper 57.
Included in
Archival Science Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Scholarly Communication Commons, Scholarly Publishing Commons
This presentation was given at HUBbub 2012, Sept. 24-25, in Indianapolis, Indiana (https://hubzero.org/hubbub/2012).