"Scaling Up: Hybrid Instruction" by Ilana R. Barnes and Mary Dugan


Presentation for Internet Librarian International Wednesday October 16th in London, UK.


A major strategic initiative of Purdue University is to meet head-on the critical issues facing students on today's campus. Student learning, and retention and completion rates are among the top concerns. To meet these challenges, Purdue is adopting a university-wide core curriculum including an information literacy requirement, which is a mainstay to lifelong learning. Additionally, to address student success issues Purdue has created "Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation" (IMPACT). IMPACT has been a successful collaborative effort of several Purdue departments to engage students more fully in their own learning. Since its inception, library faculty have taken a leadership role mentoring the instructors accepted into the IMPACT faculty learning community. In the spring 2013 semester, a team of librarians in the Parrish Library for Management and Economics were accepted as participants into the program with the challenge they faced of transforming a business information literacy course from a traditional lecture, 40-student, computer-lab class into multiple sections of a hybrid/flip, 70 student, computer-less class. Librarians will describe the key integration of online tools available through various sources, including some developed by Purdue's own IT department, with new methods of teaching and new learning experiences for students to help solve the scalability issues and as well as assess and enhance student success. This approach fostered a more learner-centered and technology-enabled approach to information literacy in a discipline.


information literacy, flipped classrooms, assessment, IMPACT

Date of this Version

