Cultivating Information Literacy Pedagogy with Student-Instructor Partnership


Presented at LOEX 2024 in Naperville, Illinois.


In traditional approaches to teaching, instructors make decisions about what should be learned and how. In contrast, Students as Partners (SaP) pedagogy recognizes that students have unique contributions to offer in their learning journeys. In this 50-minute session, learn about two novel information literacy programs in which students worked with instructors to co-develop meaningful educational experiences exploring today’s information ecosystem. We will provide an overview of the SaP approach, its benefits, and recommended practices. We will also highlight how SaP aligns with core librarianship values. Throughout the session, attendees will envision opportunities for growing relationships with students in their contexts.

• Describe elements of SaP and various ways in which a it may be applied to libraries contexts (i.e. teaching, research, programming, services)

• Explain how SaP can be applied as an inclusive teaching and learning approach

• Identify opportunities for integrating SaP practices into new or ongoing initiatives in their context


Information literacy, undergraduate research experiences, students as partners, co-creation

Date of this Version

