
LARS Information Note 121073. By Roger M. Hoffer and Staff. Personnel involved in this study were from both the Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing, Purdue University, and from the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. This study was supported by NASA Contract NAS5-21880 and by NASA Grant NGL 15-005-112.

LARS Tech Report Number



Forestry, geology. and water resource applications were the focus of this study, which involved the use of computer-implemented pattern-recognition techniques to analyze ERTS-1 data. The results have proven the value of computer-aided analysis techniques, even in areas of mountainous terrain.

Several analysis capabilities have been developed during these ERTS-1 investigations. A procedure to rotate, deskew, and geometrically scale the MSS data results in 1:24,000 scale printouts that can be directly overlayed on 7 1/2 minute U.S.G.S. topographic maps. Several scales of computer-enhanced "false color-infrared" composites of MSS data can be obtained from a digital display unit, and emphasize the tremendous detail present in the ERTS-1 data. A grid can also be superimposed on the displayed data to aid in specifying areas of interest, such as avalanche tracks or areas of burned-over timberland. Temporal overlays of six sets of data have allowed both qualitative and quantitative analysis of changes in the areal extent of the snowpack.

Computer-aided analysis of the data allows one to obtain both cover-type maps and tables showing acreage of the various cover types, even for areas having irregular boundaries, such as individual watersheds. Spectral analysis of snow and clouds, water and shadow areas, and forest cover of varying overstory density have revealed several important results.

Date of this Version

