
Date of this Version



connected vehicle data, freeway traffic, traffic monitoring, work zone safety, heatmap


Historically, a network of roadside sensors and cameras have been used to monitor freeway conditions. Although these systems are effective, they are typically not operational in and around work zones. Furthermore, it is often not financially viable to deploy in-road sensors and cameras in rural areas. Connected vehicle trajectory data has emerged as a viable source of data and provides a unique opportunity for monitoring freeways. This monograph describes how these connected vehicles can be used to directly measure queue lengths and travel times and this description is summarized in a graphical format easily used by agencies to make management decisions. Approximately 50 use cases are described to demonstrate these techniques under diverse conditions, such as lane reductions, short term closures, rolling slowdowns, work zone set up, work zone removal and inclement weather. A number of the use cases were selected from Indiana locations that had good ITS camera coverage to provide context-sensitive information to help the reader understand the graphics. In addition, several case studies are presented from selected states around the country to demonstrate the scalability of these techniques.


ISBN 978-1-62671-104-4
