Recommended Citation
Li, Howell; Mathew, Jijo K.; Kim, Woosung; and Bullock, Darcy M., "Using Crowdsourced Vehicle Braking Data to Identify Roadway Hazards" (2020). JTRP Affiliated Reports. Paper 34.
Date of this Version
braking, conflict analysis, vehicle dynamics
Modern vehicles know more about the road conditions than transportation agencies. Enhanced vehicle data that provides information on “close calls” such as hard braking events or road conditions during winter such as wheel slips and traction control will be critical for improving safety and traffic operations. This research applied conflict analyses techniques to process approximately 1.5 million hard braking events that occurred in the state of Indiana over a period of one week in August 2019. The study looked at work zones, signalized intersections, interchanges and entry/exit ramps. Qualitative spatial frequency analysis of hard-braking events on the interstate demonstrated the ability to quickly identify temporary and long-term construction zones that warrant further investigation to improve geometry and advance warning signs. The study concludes by recommending the frequency of hard-braking events across different interstate routes to identify roadway locations that have abnormally high numbers of “close calls” for further engineering assessment.