Recommended Citation
Mirzahosseini, M., Olek, J., Abraham, D. M., Ram, P., & Smith, K. (2024). Field handbook for maintenance and preservation treatments of concrete pavements (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2024/07). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University.
Information related to maintenance and preservation (M&P) treatments of Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP) has not been uniformly presented across various Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) maintenance-related documents, including INDOT Standard Specifications and the INDOT Design Manual. Since this data is scattered across different documents and frequently incomplete, it is often challenging for field personnel to obtain consistent information which can assist in making decisions related to selection of treatments that can benefit the service life of concrete pavements. To address this gap, the SPR-4601 guidebook was developed to provide succinct descriptions of common distresses and failures observed in concrete pavements, and guidance related to routine maintenance and preservation (M&P) practices. Having consistent and comprehensive information should aid in implementing more uniform M&P practices and help to ensure the quality of the concrete pavement assets over their service life.
Report Number
maintenance and preservation (M&P) treatments, concrete pavements, distresses, distress severity levels, continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP), jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCP), jointed reinforced concrete pavements (JRCP), crack sealing, joint resealing, full-depth patching, partial-depth patching, cross-stitching, retrofit load transfer (RLT), diamond grinding, diamond grooving, undersealing, post-construction evaluation
SPR Number
Performing Organization
Joint Transportation Research Program
Sponsoring Organization
Indiana Department of Transportation
Publisher Place
West Lafayette
Date of this Version