Recommended Citation
Bose, A., and J. D. Fricker. Alternative Land Use Patterns to Minimize Congestion (Volume 1: Comparative Analysis of Mixed Land Use and Separated Land Use Neighborhoods). Publication FHWA/IN/JTRP-2008/19-1. Joint Transportation Research Program, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2008.
Urban sprawl creates serious traffic congestion. Alternative land use patterns may be the best solution. New Urbanists claim that, by placing frequently-visited sites within walking distance of homes and creating a pleasant walking environment, people are more willing to choose non-motorized transportation mode to do such activities.
Part I of this study investigated the ability of travel demand models to estimate the impacts of alternative land use patterns. Part II conducted an economic viability analysis for a mixed land use neighborhood and collected land use preferences at meetings of neighborhood associations. The objective in Part III was to evaluate the feasibility of implementing mixed land use neighborhood, based upon public acceptance, actual impacts on travel behavior and observed trip making patterns. Surveys were conducted and analyzed for this report.
A brief summary of the principal findings of this study will be posted on a website – either JTRP or INDOT. The findings will include brief numerical examples of the analyses that led to the report’s conclusions. Figures and photos will be used to illustrate the alternatives and performance measures that support the project’s findings.
Report Number
transportation planning, land use, urban design, smart growth, New Urbanism, SPR-2469
SPR Number
Project Number
File Number
Performing Organization
Joint Transportation Research Program
Publisher Place
West Lafayette, Indiana
Date of this Version
Impact of Land Use on Transportation
Volume 1