Recommended Citation
Wilkerson, J. L., and V. M. Merwade. Determination of Unit Hydrograph Parameters for Indiana Watersheds. Publication FHWA/IN/JTRP-2010/05. Joint Transportation Research Program, Indiana Department of Transportation and Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2010.
Regression equations predicting Clark Synthetic Unit Hydrograph (SUH) parameters for time of concentration (tc) and storage coefficient (R) are developed for small watersheds across Indiana [drainage areas = 3-38 square miles (mi2)]. The state is partitioned into three regions: North, Central, and South, with consideration for past regionalization studies of Indiana and geomorphology. The equations are derived using multiple linear regression analysis for 30 watersheds with 90 observed rainfall-runoff events. Clark SUH parameters are optimized using Hec-HMS to match the observed rainfall-runoff events. The optimized Clark SUH parameters are related to geomorphologic parameters estimated using geographic information system (GIS) applications. An extensive list of 29 geomorphologic parameters is considered including parameters related to depression storage, slope, drainage area, basin shape, and stream network. Separate regression equations for tc and R are developed for each region and the entire state. Values for tc and R are predicted using the regression equations and used to model 7 new rainfall-runoff events in HEC-HMS for comparison to the NRCS SUH method.
Report Number
Synthetic Unit Hydrograph, NRCS Unit Hydrograph, Geomorphic Parameters, Watershed Storage, Slope, Linear Regression, SPR-3226
SPR Number
Project Number
File Number
Performing Organization
Joint Transportation Research Program
Publisher Place
West Lafayette, Indiana
Date of this Version