"A Novel Distributed Scroll Booster Architecture for Supermarket Refrig" by Mike Saunders, Jason Born et al.

Conference Year



Scroll, Booster, Supermarket, Refrigeration, GWP


Today’s supermarket system architectures are being designed to minimize global warming potential (GWP) from both direct and indirect carbon emissions. To achieve this, many supermarkets are primarily employing one of two leading strategies: (1) designing and using systems that require smaller refrigerant charges, such as self-contained, secondary, or distributed systems; and (2) using lower-GWP refrigerants such as CO2 in a transcritical system. While both strategies have proved effective, each approach leaves room for improvement. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a third strategy: utilizing a distributed scroll booster system as an emerging alternative for distributed systems. The distributed scroll booster is configured to leverage A1 (R-134a like), low-pressure refrigerants, which enable several key benefits: - Reduced refrigerant charge - Higher system efficiencies - Ability to use common refrigerants and components with which technicians are familiar - Lower leak rates - Future compatibility with A2L refrigerants such as R-516A and R-1234yf which have lower GWPs when codes and standards are updated This paper will introduce how these benefits are realized through the system’s design. It will cover strategies to manage: -Use of low-pressure refrigerants in the distributed scroll booster -Design flexibility and reliability of the distributed scroll booster -Reducing the strain on compressors through the distributed scroll booster
