Purdue e-Pubs - Indiana STEM Education Conference: Embrace the Journey: Exploring Induction Experiences of Teachers in Ohio Independent STEM Schools



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The beginning years of a new teacher are a critical period. This study investigated perceptions of induction activities of new teachers in Ohio Independent STEM schools. STEM-based pedagogies such as problem-based learning and inquiry are core strategies in STEM schools but can be new for beginning teachers. Through a Q-sort, thirteen participants from three Independent STEM Schools ranked statements on a +5 to -5 scale of agreement. This along with a post-sort survey resulted in themes. Positive school culture and colleague collaboration and the impact of the mentoring were found to be the most impactful. This research aligns with literature suggesting these areas are critical in teacher induction.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Embrace the Journey: Exploring Induction Experiences of Teachers in Ohio Independent STEM Schools

The beginning years of a new teacher are a critical period. This study investigated perceptions of induction activities of new teachers in Ohio Independent STEM schools. STEM-based pedagogies such as problem-based learning and inquiry are core strategies in STEM schools but can be new for beginning teachers. Through a Q-sort, thirteen participants from three Independent STEM Schools ranked statements on a +5 to -5 scale of agreement. This along with a post-sort survey resulted in themes. Positive school culture and colleague collaboration and the impact of the mentoring were found to be the most impactful. This research aligns with literature suggesting these areas are critical in teacher induction.