"Revenue Calculations Pertaining to a Change in County Local-Option Hig" by HERPICC




The projected revenue values contained in this report are the product of computer programs developed by staff members of the Highway and Extension Research Project for Indiana Counties and Cities (HERPICC). In its role as provider of technical information to the state's counties and municipalities, HERPICC produced this report in response to a request from the three associations who, as representatives of local governments, proposed the changes analyzed herein. Given its status as a state agency, HERPICC'S production of this report is not intended to represent, nor should it be interpreted as, either an endorsement or a criticism of the proposal. This report is offered as a basis for more detailed and informed discussion of the impacts of the proposed changes. The calculations in this report are based on the specific proposals described in the associations' Position Paper. Any changes in that proposal may, of course, render these calculations invalid.


revenue, LOHUT

Date of this Version

