
This HERPICC model is intended as a basis for helping Indiana counties, cities, and towns to write or revise local regulatory ordinances. Having such a model is especially urgent because field trips taken throughout the state have revealed that many jurisdictions are vulnerable to lawsuits because their ordinances are out of date and do not conform to the current provisions of the Indiana Code. This situation is made more serious by the lack of adequate professional planning staff or consultants available to local governments. Many may have received inaccurate advice from their attorneys. Too often, attorneys are not familiar enough with planning law and/or up to date concerning the requirements of the current Indiana Code. The appropriate use of professionally trained planners and of lawyers trained and experienced in planning law cannot be overemphasized as a means of achieving more effective planning and development at the local level.


zoning ordinance, land use, boundaries, use requirements, use restrictions, authorized uses, planned developments, special uses

Date of this Version


Tech Report Number

