Indiana Mobility Reports




The 2011 Mobility Report—Full Version introduces the use of crowd sourced probe data collected from vehicles and mobile devices to quantify the location and duration of congestion on Indiana interstates. The report presents a detailed case study presented of the I-65 corridor, as well as examples of travel time reliability information for sections of Interstates 65, 70, and 94. Summary monthly mobility statistics for all 943 centerline miles of Indiana Interstates 64, 65, 69, 70, 74, 94, and 465 are tabulated in a graphical format to facilitate comparison of mobility along those corridors. The report contains three appendices. Appendix A details the location of congestion pockets on each corridor. Appendix B provides quantitative summary of congestion for each interstate by month and direction. Appendix C provides travel time reliability statistics along three corridors in northern Indiana, twelve corridors in central Indiana, and four corridors in southern Indiana.

Date of this Version

