Instruction Matters: Purdue Academic Course Transformation (IMPACT) | Purdue University Scholarship Online | Purdue e-Pubs
The overarching goal of IMPACT is to partner with and develop a network of faculty committed to the transformation of courses at Purdue by integrating a student-centered approach informed by research to enhance student learning, competence, and confidence. A Purdue Provost’s initiative, IMPACT’s day-to-day operations are facilitated through the collaborative efforts of the Center of Instructional Excellence (CIE), Teaching and Learning Technologies (TLT), Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies (PULSIS), and Purdue Online Learning. The Evaluation and Learning Research Center (ELRC), iDa+a, the Office of the Provost, and the Office of the President provide critical institutional support for IMPACT. More information about the IMPACT program is available on the IMPACT website.


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