The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning invites conference proposals and subsequent manuscripts as part of a special issue on competency orientation in problem-based learning. The special issue is directly linked with the conference “Problem-based Learning—Promoting Skills, Shaping the Future,” which will take place on June 16–17, 2016, in Zurich, Switzerland. The publication in the special issue is attached to the following conditions: Authors submit an abstract for the conference and present their accepted work at the conference PBL2016 in Zurich. It also is possible to participate at the conference without a publication in the IJPBL. The special issue will be published in fall 2017, which gives authors the possibility to revise their contributions after the conference has taken place. For further information, please visit the conference website at http://www.pbl2016.ch.
Recommended Citation
Grant, M. M.
(2015). Call for Conference Proposals and Manuscripts. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 9(2).
Available at: https://doi.org/10.7771/1541-5015.1591