
With the rise of artificial intelligence and its integration with the healthcare sector, we see innovations such as a deep neural network that predicts optical segmentation that needs to be tracked for surgery. Machine learning, neural networks, in particular, have revolutionized the field of predictive modeling. These algorithms help us see and observe events that we have no way of seeing ourselves. Therefore, as shown by this recent breakthrough with optical surgery, neural networks can be used to predict events that happen or will happen during surgery. With this knowledge, surgeons might know where exactly to make an incision or which areas are hypersensitive to surgical tools. With that being said, are there any other avenues of surgery that can be revolutionized through neural networks. In general, how have neural networks or any other form of machine learning been deployed to maximize the precision and accuracy of surgery?


May 5th, 2:10 AM

Neural Networks, Precision, and Accuracy

With the rise of artificial intelligence and its integration with the healthcare sector, we see innovations such as a deep neural network that predicts optical segmentation that needs to be tracked for surgery. Machine learning, neural networks, in particular, have revolutionized the field of predictive modeling. These algorithms help us see and observe events that we have no way of seeing ourselves. Therefore, as shown by this recent breakthrough with optical surgery, neural networks can be used to predict events that happen or will happen during surgery. With this knowledge, surgeons might know where exactly to make an incision or which areas are hypersensitive to surgical tools. With that being said, are there any other avenues of surgery that can be revolutionized through neural networks. In general, how have neural networks or any other form of machine learning been deployed to maximize the precision and accuracy of surgery?