Coming soon to a university near you: e-texts and e-textbooks
Recommended Citation
Getis, V., Morgan, G. & Reid, P. (2013, February 05). Coming soon to a university near you: e-texts and e-textbooks. Presented at the ELI 2013, Denver, Colorado. Available at
Date of this Version
etext, e-text, textbook
The hype about digital texts is reaching a frenzied tone. Proponents claim that e-texts will replace traditional texts on campuses and students will save enormous amounts of money; that students will learn more because e-texts offer features not available in print; and that texts will be updated more frequently. This session will examine the hype from the perspective of three major universities. The presenters will describe the varying approaches taken by Big Ten/CIC institutions. Audience members will shape the session as it moves from presentation to panel discussion.
Learning Objectives: * Learn about various approaches universities have taken regarding digital textbooks * Get resources describing the advent and adoption of digital textbooks nationally (K–12, higher education * Learn about issues to consider when thinking about an e-text strategy for your institution * Be able to give aid and advice to your institution regarding possible strategies to implement for digital textbooks