“In 2010 the International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue celebrated its 20th gathering. Conference highlights include the presentation of 98 papers in 19 different sessions, covering a range of topics from conventional compressor design enhancements to novel and innovative compression technologies. Topics for the 2012 conference will include sessions on specific compressor technologies such as reciprocating, rotary, scroll, screw, centrifugal, linear and novel compressors; in addition, there will be sessions that cover issues and present modeling and evaluation tools related to compressor design and reliability, such as noise control, vibration, gas pulsations, materials, lubrication, wear, and valves.”
Proceedings from 1990
Semi-Hermetic Motor-Compressor Unit with the Motor Outside of die Refrigeration Circuit, G. Moncada Lo Giudice and F. Stanzani
Seat Optimization of Plate Valves, K. Graunke and J. Ronnert
Check Valve Movement in a Scroll Compressor, S. Grunwald and W. Beagle
Dynamic Modeling of Reciprocating Compressor, J. Hafner and B. Gaspersic
Dynamic Analysis of a Rotor-Journal Bearing System for Twin Rotary Compressors, H. Hattori and N. Kawashima
Pressure Indication of Twin Screw Compressor, K. Haugland
Channel Resonant Errors on P-V Indicator Diagrams for Reciprocating Compressors, F. Heidrich
Hermetic Refrigerating Compressors and the CFC Substitution, E. Heinzelmann and M. S. Ussyk
Study on Oil Free Dual Resonant on Compressor, T. Hirai and T. Koda
The Scroll Compressor with Variable Capacity Control Mechanism for Automotive Air Conditioner, T. Hirano and T. Shipoka
Experimental Analysis of a Water-to-Water Heat Pump with Variable Speed Scroll Compressor, K. Holzapfel and V. Bruno V. Recchi
Research on Discharge Ports of Oil-Flooded Rotary Compressors, L. Hongqi and J. Guangxi
Opening Address, Worldwide Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue University, 17-19 July, 1990, F. V. Honnold
Dynamic Behavior of a Variable Displacement Wobble Plate Compressor for Automotive Air Conditioners, N. Ishii, Y. Abe, T. Taguchi, and T. Kitamura
Optimum Combination of Dimensions for High Mechanical Efficiency of a Rolling-Piston Rotary Compressor, N. Ishii, M. Fukushima, M. Yamarnura, S. Fujiwara, and S. Kakita
Mechanical Efficiency of a Variable Speed Scroll Compressor, N. Ishii, M. Yamamura, S. Muramatsu, S. Yamamoto, and M. Sakai
Researches on a Cooler and Cleaner Compressor, Z. Jiang, D. Gao, and Q. Hu
A Research of Scroll Compressor Working Process Computer Simulation and Testing, Z. Jie and W. Disheng
The Application of Advanced Analysis Methods to the Reduction of Noise from Air Compressors, O. Johnson, A. V. Smith, C. E. Winslett, and T. Morel
Development of an Expert System for Compressor Valve Design, J. Kim
Convergence of Gas Pulsation Simulations When Combining Time and Frequency Domains Iteratively, J. Kim and W. Soedel
Performance Study of a Prototype Reciprocating Piston Compressor with Special Attention to Valve Design and Gas Pulsation, J. Kim and W. Soedel
Contributions to the Understanding of Flow Pulsation Levels and Performance of a Twin Screw Compressor Equipped With a Slide Valve and a Stopper for Capacity Control, K. Koai and W. Soedel
Gas Pulsations in Screw Compressors - Part I: Determination of Port Flow and Interpretation of Periodic Volume Source, K. Koai and W. Soedel
Gas Pulsations in Screw Compressors - Part II: Dynamics of Discharge System and It's Interaction With Port Flow, K. Koai and W. Soedel
Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Alloy for the Moving Parts of Rotary Compressor, T. Komatsubara, M. Okajima, H. Hoshino, and Y. Obokata
Scroll Compressor: Thrust Bearing Design Under Laminar Conditions, S. S. Kulkarni
Scroll Compressor: Thrust Bearing Design with Rigid Body Dynamics of the Runner Plate, S. S. Kulkarni
Development of a Scroll-Type Oil-Free Vacuum Pump, T. Kushiro, K. Miyazaki, H. Kataoka, S. Nii, and S. Machida
Suction Muffler Design for Noise Reduction on High Efficiency Reciprocating Compressors, G. Lampugnani, F. Peruzzi, and P. Vay
An Analysis of Pipe Failure Criteria Under Arbitrary Operating Displacements, J. S. Laub
Mismatching Noise Source Spectrum and Resonance Spectrum of Reciprocating Compressor Shells, M. B. Laursen
Numerical Analysis in the Flow Field of a Labyrinth Seal, K. W. Lee, S. U. Lee, C. H. Kim, and T. H. Song
Performance Prediction and Test Result of a Rolling Piston Type Compressor, W. Lee, S. Choi, N. Kim, B. Lee, K. Hong, E. Kim, and S. Lee
A Fluid Flow and Valve Force Model for the Suction Side of a Variable Speed Heat Pump Compressor, S. D. Lewis and G. W. Gatecliff
Friction Losses Measurements on a Reciprocating Compressor Mechanism, D.E. B. Lilie and M. Krueger
The Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research for a Refrigerating Scroll Compressor, L. Li and Y. Yu
The Effect of Inlet Piping System on the Reciprocating Compressor Work, M. Luszczycki and T. Kosiuszko
An Experimental Study on the Dynamic Behavior of Micron-Size Gap by Cylinder Pressure and Temperature Under the Rotary Compressor Operation, N. Matsumura, K. Abe, and H. Machida
Utilization of Volumetric Displacement in Reciprocating Compressors, J. A. McGovern
Potential of Savings in the Design of Industrially Adequate Pipework for Reciprocating Compressors, H. Meier
Optimization of Piston Rings of Reciprocating Compressors for Refrigerants, V. I. Milovanano and V. A. Budanov
Performance Evaluation of Rotary Compressor with Special Attention to the Accuracy of P-V Diagram, K. C. Moun, Y. Tae-Hwan, K. Tae-Jong, L. Sung-Bae, E. Yoon-Seob, and S. Chun-Mo
A New Experimental Method for the Identification of the Transmission Paths, G. Mozzon
Compact Type Scroll Compressor for Air Conditioners, M. Yamamora Muramatsu, Y. Kojima, S. Yamamoto, S. Kawahara, and N. Ishii
Selection of Friction Materials Used in Compact, High Performance Inverter Controlled Rotary Compressors, Y. Nakagawa, Y. Kamitsuma, T. Iizuka, and K. Ikeda
Dynamics of Compliance Mechanisms Scroll Compressors, Part II: Radial Compliance, J. J. Nieter
Dynamics of Compliance Mechanisms in Scroll Compressors, Part I: Axial Compliance, J. J. Nieter and T. Barito
The Noise Source Identification of Refrigeration Compressor by Signal Processing Technique, J. E. Oh, H. Park, and C. H. Lee
Study of Twin Rotary Compressor for Air-Conditioner with Inverter System, K. Okoma, M. Tahata, and H. Tsuchiyama
Basic Study on High Performance Heat Pump Systems Accompanying Two-Phase Compression Prices, K. Ozaki, N. Endo, A. Yabe, and T. Kobayashi
New Rotor Profile and its Performance Prediction of Screw Compressors, N. Peng, D. Deng, Z. Xing, and P. Shu
A Computational Study of the Interaction Between Fluid Flow and Reed Valve Deformation, J. Piechna
Thermodynamic Calculation of a Dual Screw Compressor Based on Experimentally Measured Values Taking Supercharge into Account, A. Pietsch and S. Nowotny
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Considerations in Automatic Valves of Reciprocating Compressors, A. T. Prata and R. T. S. Ferreira
Experimental Determination of Scroll Compressor Lubrication System Performance, A. Prince and E. Tomayko
The Utilization of Contemporary Engineering Tools during the Development of Reliable Discharge Lines, J. F. Quesada
Design Criteria and Performance of an Advanced Reciprocating Compressor, O. K. Riegger
Scroll Compressor Flow Modeling: Experimental and Computational Investigation, R. J. Rogers and R. C. Wagner
Diagnosing Troubles in Refrigeration Units with Screw Compressors, M. Sano, N. Ino, S. Nakayama, and T. Ito
Diagnosis of Slides in Rotary Compressors Using Acoustic Emission Technique, K. Sato, H. Hata, T. Tanaka, I. Sato, and T. Yoneyama
The Study of Rotary Compressor Driven Under Low Electric Frequencies, Y. Sato and Y. Shirafuyi
Twin Screws of the Future for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, D. N. Shaw
The Characteristics of Small Capacity Scroll Compressors for Residential Air Conditioners, Y. Shibamoto, S. Fujimoto, S. Takano, M. Higuchi, Y. Matoba, M. Dobuchi, and Y. Saitoh
Prediction & Visualization of a Three Dimensional Sound Field to Reduce the Noise of Rotary Compressors, N. Shige, Y. Okamoto, F. Minamibata, H. Itch, T. Inazuka, and S. Fuzimoto
Twin-Screw Compressor Performance and Complex Ester Lubricants with HCFC-22, L. J. Sjoholm and G. D. Short
Twin-Screw Compressor Performance and Suitable Lubricants with HFC-134a, L. J. Sjoholm and G. D. Short
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Groll Rotary Vane Compressor, I. K. Smith, H. R. Harrison, and M. Cox
Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Oil Injection Upon the Screw Compressor Working Process, N. Stosic, L. Milutinovic, K. Hanjalic, and A. Kovacevic
Visualization of Scroll Compressor Dynamics via Computer Graphics, E. A. Tomayto and L. Su
An Integrated Approach to Reciprocating Compressor Design, K. Venkateswarlu, N. J. Rao, E. V. Venugopal, and S. Akella
The Flow Work Compressor, J. F. Weinbrecht
A Pulsation Calculation Algorithm Well Suited for Use with Valve Dynamics Calculations, D. Wollatt
The History of a High Efficiency Valve from Concept Through Field Acceptance, D. Woollatt
The Microcomputer Measurement and Control System for Performance Test of Compressor, D. Wu, Y. Wang, Z. Zhou, and H. Liu
Optimum Operating Pressure Ratio for Scroll Compressor, T. Yanagisawa, M. D. Cheng, M. Fukuta, and T. Shimizu
Mathematical Model of Rotary Compressor to Simulate its Transient Behavior, T. Yanagisawa, T. Shimizu, M. Fukuta, and H. Suzuki
Improvement of Performance for Superhigh Pressure Diaphragm Compressor, J. Zhang
Analysis of the Applied Forces in Twin-Screw Refrigerant Compressors, Z. Zhou, D. Wang, T. Zhu, and J. Mao
Optimization of the Parameters for Operation and Valve Design of a Tank-Charging Oxygen Compressor, Q. Zongchang and W. Disheng
Proceedings from 1988
Finite Element Analysis of Compressor Valve Dynamics, S. Akella, N. J. Rao, E. V. Venugopal, and K. Venkateswarlu
Valve Losses in Reciprocating Compressors, Friedrich Bauer
Epitrochoidal Versus Hypotrochoidal Gerotor Type Pumps With Special Attention to Rubbing Velocities , John E. Beard
Influence of Oil Injection and Pressure, J. C. Blaise and T. Dutto
Scroll Compressor Design Criteria for Residential Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Applications, Part II: Design Criteria, James W. Bush and John P. Elson
Scroll Compressor Design Criteria for Residential Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Applications, Part I: Mechanics, James W. Bush and John P. Elson
A Computer Model for Scroll Compressors , Jean-Luc Caillat, Shimao Ni, and Michael Daniels
A Study on the Performance Improvement of a Rotary Compressor, Jangbom Chai, Jang Moo Lee, and Seock Hyun Kim
The Analysis of Dimensional Communization Procedures Considering the Efficiency for the Rolling Piston Compressors, Caio Franco da Costa
The Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Investigation on the Natural Frequencies and Vibration Patterns of Compressor Reed Valves, Wu Danqing, Cong Jingtong, and Huang Dianxun
Instrumentation and Data Analysis Techniques for Scroll Compressors, Raymond L. DeBlois and Richard C. Stoeffier
The Effective Flow and Force Areas in Compressor Valves , C. J. Deschamps, R. T. S. Ferreira, and A. T. Prata
Optimum Part Shape of Reed Valve of Reciprocate Compressor, Wang Disheng and Jiang Bo
Refrigeration Compressor Performance Using Calorimeter and Flowrater Techniques, Michael G. Duggan, Cuy F. Hundy, and Stuart Lawson
The Controlled Rotary Vane Gas- Handling Machine, Thomas Edwards
Computational Parametric Study of Scroll Compressor Efficiency, Design, and Manufacturing Issues, Shahrokh Etemad and Jeff Nieter
A Comparison of Flow and Pressure Distribution in Simple Valves Using Different Computational Methods, J. S. Fleming, A. B. Tramschek, and J. M. H. Abdul-Husain
Further Results of a Rotary Compressor for an Aircraft Pod Cooling System, William J. Godecker and Charles B. Parme
An Analysis of Losses In Scroll Compressor, Makoto Hayano, Hirotaugu Sakata, Shigemi Nagatomo, and Hiroaki Murasaki