Beyond now - leading the workforce of the future | 2018 IATUL Proceedings

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Courage and co-creation: Cultural transformation in an academic library

Catherine Clark, Curtin University (Australia)
Carolyn Hofmeester, Curtin University (Australia)
Jane Pritchard, Curtin University (Australia)

Developing a digital culture and embedding digital agility within a library workforce

Anne Horn, University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)
Eleanor Reynolds, University of Sheffield (United Kingdom)

How do professional engineers use information compared to undergradutes, and how can libraries prepare students and support engineers for future success?

Margaret Phillips, Purdue University
Michael Fosmire, Purdue University
Jing Lu, Purdue University
Kristin Petersheim, Caterpillar Inc. (USA)
Laura Turner, Caterpillar Inc. (USA)

Slowly but surely: Leading the workforce at the University of Adelaide into the library of the future

Teresa Chitty, University of Adelaide (Australia)