2002 IATUL Proceedings | Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences

The International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL) is a voluntary international organization which provides a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world. It also provides library directors and senior managers an opportunity to develop a collaborative approach to solving common problems.

The 23rd Annual IATUL Conference was held on June 2nd – June 6th, 2002 and was jointly held by the Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering and Technology, and the University of Missouri, in Kansas City, United States. The 23rd Annual IATUL Conference’s theme was “Partnerships, Consortia, and 21st Century Library Service”.

Papers and presentations may be found in the links below, organized first by the day they were presented and then alphabetically by the title of the presentation. Presentations that were given may be found under the additional files field. Papers and presentations for which no files were provided, or for which permission to make openly available was not granted, have been omitted from this collection.


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An electronic journal impact study: the factors that change when an academic library migrates from print

Carol Hansen Montgomery

An idea from the field: 21st Century service to all users

Susan Ardis, Head Engineering and Science Libraries Division of the General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin

BioOne goals & BioOne: exploring a collaborative publishing model

Heather Joseph, President and Chief Operating Officer, BioOne

Building partnerships for African digital libraries: the West African Digital Library Network (WADiLiN)

Cory Brandt, West African Research Center
Mamadou Lamine Ndoye, Bibliotheque Centrale

Chicken Little was wrong

Karen Hunter, Senior Vice-President, Elsevier Science

Consortia and knowledge management: the functional context and an organizational model

Anthi Katsirikou, The Library of the Technical University of Crete

Consortia and the big deals: a new way of doing business or the end of the technical library?

Nestor L. Osorio, Northern Illinois University


Johann Van Reenen, University of New Mexico, UNM Libraries, and the Ibero-American Science & Technology Education Consortium

Creating change in Europe : SPARC Europe and scholarly publishing

Frederick J. Friend, Director Scholarly Communication, University College London

Cyber-research: find the library

James Michalko, President, Research Libraries Group

Deep cooperation: a report on successful cooperative strategies

Paul M. Gherman, University Librarian, Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University

Delivering instructional media: a library - IT Partnership

Pauline S. Bayne, John C. Hodges Library, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Renee D. Smith, John C. Hodges Library, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Development strategy of a technological university library Management Information System (MIS): A case of MOI University, Kenya

George Gundu Shibanda, Head, Library Instructonal Programme Moi University,

Driving Miss Daisy, or Miss Daisy driving? Exploring a new service model for academic libraries

Marilyn Beamish, Marketing Manager, Division of Information Services, Griffith University, Brisbane Australia

EASY - 'Equitable Access to Scientific Yield'©

Leo Waaijers, Librarian Wageningen University & Research Centre

ELD and IATUL - Collaborative partnership

Jay Bhatt, IATUL Liaison to ELD, Drexel University

Evaluating library service quality: Use of LibQUAL+™

Julia Blixrud, Association of Research Libraries

How to create your own scholarly journal in partnership with your campus faculty

Eulália Roël, University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, USA

Interdisciplinarity across subject paths & institutions: Leading to new outcomes - The CAL-IT2 project in detail

Julia Gelfland

International contact and cooperation: the Texas A & M University Libraries and Mexico

Thomas G. De Petro, Science/Engineering Services, Evans Library, Texas A&M University

International resource coordination: a CISTI perspective

Naomi Krym, Business Development Officer, National Research Council Canada (CISTI)


Paul Ayris, International Scholarly Communications Alliance (ISCA)

Libraries, patrons, the Web: a transformation of knowledge management, discovery and delivery

Gary R. Houk, Vice President, Cataloging and Metadata Services Division, OCLC

Library in your pocket

Irma Pasanen-Tuomainen, Helsinki University of Technology Library, Espoo, Finland
Ari Muhonen, Helsinki University of Technology Library, Espoo, Finland

Middle East Technical University Library: a pilot institution in the project of performance-based budgeting

Emre Hasan Akbayrak, Middle East Technical University

Moving services out of the library and into the classroom

Eeva Munoz, Allyn and Betty Taylor Library,University of Western Ontario
David Fiander, Allyn and Betty Taylor Library,University of Western Ontario
Ian Whyte, Allyn and Betty Taylor Library,University of Western Ontario

New acquisition with new partners: are we ready yet?

Christina Birdie, Indian Institute of Astrophysics

New collaborations in a brave world: building an agile consortium for the 21st Century

Adrian W. Alexander, Executive Director,Greater Western Library Alliance

New paradigm for managing information and technology to serve education and research in Cuban technical universities

José Antonio Diaz, Director of Scientific and Technical Information & Instituto Superior Politecnico “J.A. Echeverria”

"Open Horizon" for transforming scholarly communication in engineering

Kenneth Frazier, Director, University of Wisconsin-Madison General Library

Over-engineering the science and technology library web environment: planned redundancies so "all roads lead to Rome"

Gay A. Woods, University of North Texas, Science and Technology Library, Denton, Texas, USA

Provision of the operating access to the legal information at the libraries of the institutions of higher education in Uzbekistan

D R. Yusupov, Uzbekistan

Re-shaping library service programming: new strategies for the new millennium

Daryl C. Youngman, Kansas State University

Real time virtual reference: from pilot project to reality?

Beth Turtle, Hale Library, Kansas State University
Marcia Stockham, Hale Library, Kansas State University

Reforming the scholarly communication of mathematics and statistics: Project Euclid and its economic model

Zsuzsa Koltay, Cornell University Library

Reinventing a sci-tech library: ETH Libraries as focus point for scientific and technical information in Switzerland

Wolfram Neubauer, ETH Libraries, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Serial aggregations-multiple versions and the virtual union catalogue: the Ex Libris experience

Michael Kaplan, Director of Product Management, Ex Libris (USA) Inc.

Still learning after all these years! Still learning after all these years! Cooperative service models in Australia

Diane Costello, Executive Officer, Council of Australian University Librarians

Success through working together: The U.S. National Agricultural Library's approach to cooperative activities

Eleanor G. Frierson, U.S. National Agricultural Library
Peggy J. Blake, U.S. National Agricultural Library

Supporting Research Needs in the 21st Century: Some Thoughts on Information Service Evolution

Alasdair Paterson, Main Library, University of Exeter, Exetor, Devon, UK

The Canadian National Site Licensing Project (CNSLP)

Deb DeBrujin, CNSLP Executive Director

The corporate and the academic, with a twist

Roger Durbin, Science and Technology Library University of Akron
Jo Ann Calzonetti, Science and Technology Library University of Akron

The double quality of the university library - as a client and an offeror

Angela Repanovici, Central Library of Transilvania, University of Brasov,Romania

The engineering subject gateway (ViFaTec)

Martin Bömeke, Technische Informationsbibliothek, TIB

The full monty. Or, the whole hog with HERMES

Gerardo Coello-Coutiño, Computing Department, Institute of Cellular Physiology
Ana Marie Escalante-Gonzalbo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México & Library
Shirley Ainsworth, Biotechnology Institute, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

The integration of digital library services in an academic environment

Ursula Nielsen, Linköping University Library
Per Eriksson, Linköping University Library

The National Diet Library and its national responsibilities

Yoshita Ikuhara, National Diet Library, Japan

The partnership roles of information technology in expanding access to smallholder (community) information: a model for Lirhanda Quaker Community Media Centre, Kenya

Jemymah Ingado Seru, Coordinator, Lirhanda Community Media Centre
George Gundu Shibanda, Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya

Using collaborative projects to improve access, availability and services

Hazel Woodward, Cranfield University, UK

Virtual reference: making it work for you

MIchelle Cadoree, Library of Congress

We are all the webmasters: new models for building a library Website

Sohair W. Elbaz, Illinois Institute of Technology
Christopher Stewart, Illinois Institute of Technology

World Health Grid©

Charles Henry, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA