The International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL) is a voluntary international organization which provides a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world. It also provides library directors and senior managers an opportunity to develop a collaborative approach to solving common problems.
The 14th Biennial IATUL Conference was held on July 8th – July 12th,1991 at MIT in Cambridge Massachusetts. The 14th Biennial IATUL Conference’s theme was “New Technologies and Information Services: Evolution or Revolution?”
Papers and presentations may be found in the links below, organized first by the day they were presented and then alphabetically by the title of the presentation. Presentations that were given may be found under the additional files field. Papers and presentations for which no files were provided, or for which permission to make openly available was not granted, have been omitted from this collection.
Sharon E. Clark, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Roles for Special Librarians in the New International Arena Ruth K. Seidman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
An Essay in Making a Dream Come True Fred J. Friend, University College London |
Serving Science and Industry from a National Library David Russon, The British Library |
Lloyd A. Davidson, Northwestern University |
Marc Walckiers, European Foundation for Library Cooperation |
Learning Resources Provision and Integration in an English Polytechnic Don Revill, Liverpool Polytechnic |
The Library as Hub of the Network Universe Patrick Kelly, University of Limerick |
Artificial Intelligence in Information Services: Revolution or Survival? John A. Mess, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Library Workstations and the Changing Paradigm of Library Service Barton M. Clark, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
The Campus Network – Expanding Library Services Helen Shuster, Worcester Polytechnic Institute |
The Use of Technology for Better Management Decision-Making in a University Library Anthony S C Hooper, University of Cape Town |
Analysis of Subject Searching in the Tenttu Books Database Irma Pasanen-Tuomainen, Helsinki University of Technology |
The U.K. JANET Network and Its Use by Libraries Michael Breaks, Heriot-Watt University |
Hungarian Technical University Libraries in the Stream of Modernization József Zsidai, University of Miskolc |
Research Databases in Europe: Status and Future Development (Abstract Only) Irmgard A. Lankenau, Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe |
CD-ROM Networking Developments Amongst the Oxford Libraries (Abstract Only) David Price, University of Oxford |
Does Information Technology Increase the Division Between Rich and Poor? Dennis Shaw, University of Oxford |
Is Africa Semper Aliquod Novi? Maybelle Botha, The State Library |
Barry Burton, Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
Human Resources and Information Services Anna Dömötör, Veszprém University |
Ethics (ETH Library Information Control System) Hannes Hug, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich |
Aud Lamvik, The Technical University of Norway |
Networking and Microcomputer Application with Document Deliveries Randy Gjersvik, The Technical University of Norway |
Tailored Information Please . . . On the Spot! Leo Waaijers, Delft University of Technology |
The Global Village Come True: High-Tech Information Network in High Energy Physics Ann-Sofi Israelsson, CERN Scientific Information Service |
Mara Pinckard, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus |
Information Technology and Communication Function: A Challenge for Behavior Mario A. Farias, University of Buenos Aires |
Avenue: A Multimedia Development Project at Dartmouth College Mark Franklin, Dartmouth College |
Windowing the Past: A Seventeenth Century Technological Archive and Its Electronic Exploitation Alasdair Paterson, University of Sheffield |
Julia Gelfand, University of California - Irvine |
Connecting to the Future at MIT: The Effects of ISDN on Remote Online Searching Susan N. Bjørner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
A Microcomputer Based Current Awareness Service Marshall Clinton, University of Toronto |
Daryl C. Youngman, Washington University in St Louis |