1985 IATUL Proceedings | Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences

The International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL) is a voluntary international organization which provides a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world. It also provides library directors and senior managers an opportunity to develop a collaborative approach to solving common problems.

The 11th Biennial IATUL Conference was held on April 15th – April 19th, 1985 in . The 11th Biennial IATUL Conference’s theme was "The Future of Information Resources for Science and Technology and the Role of Libraries."

Papers and presentations may be found in the links below, organized first by the day they were presented and then alphabetically by the title of the presentation. Presentations that were given may be found under the additional files field. Papers and presentations for which no files were provided, or for which permission to make openly available was not granted, have been omitted from this collection.


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Monday, April 15th
12:00 AM

Bath University Library and the SWIRL Business and Technical Information Service

Maurice Roy Forsey, South Western Industrial Research Ltd
John H. Lamble, University of Bath

12:00 AM

Opening address

Sven Westberg, Chalmers University of Technology

12:00 AM

Fee-based information services to industry

Berry G. Richards, Lehigh University
Richard Widdicombe, Stevens Institute of Technology

12:00 AM

Library services to industry in Aachen and Dortmund

Ulrich Fellmann, Technische Hochschule Aachen
Valentin Wehefritz, University Dortmund

12:00 AM

The industrial use of university resources

Anna Dotomor, Veszprém University of Chemical Engineering

12:00 AM

University of Technology Library as a national resource center for commerce and industry

Elin Tornudd, Helsinki University of Technology Libraries

12:00 AM

Information demand in U.K. industry: a look back and a look forward

Peter J.R. Warren, Oxford University

12:00 AM

Nonbibliographic databases and their use in libraries and information services

Sinikka Koskiala, Helsinki University of Technology

12:00 AM

Regional activity of the Technical University for Heavy Industry in Miskolc concerning both the present time and the future

Jozsef Zsidai, Technical University of Heavy Industry

12:00 AM

Roles of public and private sector resources in a national information infrastructure

Elmer V. Smith, National Research Council of Canada

12:00 AM

The near future of science and technology resources in Japan

Kakugyo S. Chiku, Kanazawa Institute of Technology

12:00 AM

Information and industry – a survey of western Australian industrial information needs

Brya A. Kelman, Western Australian Institute of Technology

12:00 AM

Local access to national and international information resources in science and technology: a Malaysian perspective

Salim Agha Seyd, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia

12:00 AM

Resource sharing and coordinated automation in university libraries in Israel

Nurit Roitberg, Technion Israel Institute of Technology

12:00 AM

Libraries in the emerging information market

Raymond K. Appleyard, Commission of the European Communities

12:00 AM

Online information services: present plans and future projects. The "Pergamon InfoLine view"

Charles Oppenheim, Pergamon InfoLine Ltd.

12:00 AM

Some applications software problems for libraries

Colin F. Cayles, Queensland Institute of Technology

12:00 AM

The development of the electronic library

Thomas J. Michalak, Carnegie-Mellon University
Peggy Seiden, Carnegie-Mellon University

12:00 AM

The interaction between electronic storage systems and their users

A. Peter Jagodzinski, Plymouth Polytechnic

12:00 AM

Scientific journals to the year 2000

Otto ter Haar, Elsevier Science Publishers

12:00 AM

Access to information in an electronic age: centrally planned economy versus free enterprise (Discussion)

Anna Domotor, Veszprém University of Chemical Engineering
Nada Cucnik-Majcen, Central Technical University
Dieter Schmidmaier, Scientific Information Centre
Jozsef Zsidai, Technical University for Heavy Industry

12:00 AM

Online bibliographic data bases and grey literature: a Dutch approach

Kees va der Meer, Delft University of Technology

12:00 AM

Patents on videodisc a future system almost with us

Michael W. Hill, The British Library

12:00 AM

Friday, April 19th
12:00 AM

IATUL and the future

Dennis Shaw, University of Oxford

12:00 AM