1983 IATUL Proceedings | Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences

The International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL) is a voluntary international organization which provides a forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world. It also provides library directors and senior managers an opportunity to develop a collaborative approach to solving common problems.

The 10th Biennial IATUL Conference was held on June 6th – June 10th, 1983 in Essen, Germany. The 10th Biennial IATUL Conference’s theme was “The Future of Serials: Publication, Automation and Management."

Papers and presentations may be found in the links below, organized first by the day they were presented and then alphabetically by the title of the presentation. Presentations that were given may be found under the additional files field. Papers and presentations for which no files were provided, or for which permission to make openly available was not granted, have been omitted from this collection.


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Monday, June 6th
12:00 AM

Resource Sharing: The Pesent Situation and The Likely Effect of Electronic Technology

Maurice B. Line, The British Library

12:00 AM

The University Library Hannover and Technische Informationsbibliothek as a Library of Last Resort - Or as a Library of First Resort. Some Aspects of the Operation of the Largest Technical Library in the Federal Republic of Germany

H. Drubba, University Library Hannover

12:00 AM

A National Serials Collection in the Netherlands

J. Zandvliet, Delft University of Technology

12:00 AM

Tuesday, June 7th
12:00 AM

A Survey of IATUL for Serials Automation - Future Prospects

Dennis Shaw, University of Oxford
Niel Sly, University of Oxford

12:00 AM

Serials Automation: Fact or Phobia - A Progress Report

Dan Tonkery, F. W. Faxon Co.
Rebecca T. Lenzini, F. W. Faxon Co.

12:00 AM

Online Serials Control at the ETH Library

Rudolph Nöethiger, ETH Library

12:00 AM

Several Experimental Trials at the Kanazawa Institute of Technology Library Center Using its Online System

K. Kadota, Kanazawa Institute of Technology

12:00 AM

Serials Handling in Essen University Library

A. H. Helal, Essen University Library

12:00 AM

Automated Serials Handling: The Perfect Future? The Swets Concept for Serials Control at an Affordable Price

Arnoud de Kemp, Swets & Zeitlinger B.V.

12:00 AM

Thursday, June 9th
12:00 AM

Periodicals Collections in Academic Libraries of the Federal Republic of Germany: Development and Managerial Aspects

Richard Landwehrmeyer, University of Tübingen

12:00 AM

Periodical Acquisition in the Central Library of the Veszprém University of Chemical Engineering

Anna Domotor, Veszprém University of Chemical Engineering

12:00 AM

Serials Cuts (And the Use of a Blunt Knife)

Hazel M. Woodward, Loughborough University of Technology
A. J. Evans, Loughborough University of Technology

12:00 AM

Open Access Use of Serials Collections

Arja-Riitta Haarala, Helsinki University of Technology

12:00 AM

Serials and "Grey Literature"

Dieter Schmidmaier, Mining Academy Freiberg

12:00 AM

A Model for Storage of Different Volumes of a Journal in Electronic Data Processing: The Dortmund Online Library System DOBIS

Martin Büren, Dortmund University

12:00 AM

Serials Education or How to Nail Jelly to the Wall

David P. Woodworth, Loughborough University of Technology

12:00 AM

Friday, June 10th
12:00 AM

Progress of the BLEND-LINC 'Electronic Journal' Project

B. Shackel, Loughborough University of Technology

12:00 AM

Selective Article Delivery

G. A. Somerfield, Elsevier Science Publishers

12:00 AM

The Changing Role of Secondary Information Services

Stella Keenan, Loughborough University of Technology

12:00 AM

The Implications for Publishing of Electronic Document Storage and Delivery

Maurice B. Line, The British Library

12:00 AM