Purdue e-Pubs - Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences: Public Relations of Scientific Libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany

Session Number



Up until now, scientific libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany have been very reserved about public relations. One of the reasons for this attitude has been insecurity about the application of the specific methods used in public relations. For this reason the Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut (West Berlin) organized a project in 1978 that is meant to create the methodological preconditions for public relations in scientific libraries. The methods are to be tried out first in a model of local public relations at one library. The Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek (Hessian State and University Library) in Darmstadt has been chosen to serve as this model library.

Public relations of scientific libraries have two objectives.

1. Public relations aimed at the external public. These include:

  • a corporate idendity, containing an emblem if at all possible
  • cooperation with the press
  • public relations aimed especlally at the university
  • exhibitions and other cultural events
  • publications
  • cooperation with other institutions.

2. Public relations within the library:

  • a uniform system of signs for orientation and direction
  • point-of-use instructions
  • information bulletins for users and employees of the library.

Effective public relations require personnel and money. That is why the financing administrations have to be convinced of the effective benefit of public relations.


Apr 16th, 12:00 AM

Public Relations of Scientific Libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany

Up until now, scientific libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany have been very reserved about public relations. One of the reasons for this attitude has been insecurity about the application of the specific methods used in public relations. For this reason the Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut (West Berlin) organized a project in 1978 that is meant to create the methodological preconditions for public relations in scientific libraries. The methods are to be tried out first in a model of local public relations at one library. The Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek (Hessian State and University Library) in Darmstadt has been chosen to serve as this model library.

Public relations of scientific libraries have two objectives.

1. Public relations aimed at the external public. These include:

  • a corporate idendity, containing an emblem if at all possible
  • cooperation with the press
  • public relations aimed especlally at the university
  • exhibitions and other cultural events
  • publications
  • cooperation with other institutions.

2. Public relations within the library:

  • a uniform system of signs for orientation and direction
  • point-of-use instructions
  • information bulletins for users and employees of the library.

Effective public relations require personnel and money. That is why the financing administrations have to be convinced of the effective benefit of public relations.