Purdue e-Pubs - Proceedings of the IATUL Conferences: The Technological University Library's Communication with its Public

Presenter Information

A. C. Bubb, University of Salford

Session Number



University libraries are channels of communication which must themselves communicate with their publics, of which the most important are members of the institution and people outside it who draw upon its resources.

Dislike of the commercial overtones of the promotion of services need not inhibit communication between the library and its public.

The technological university library is favourably placed to develop communication in the broadest sense.

Communication should go beyond the accepted techniques of instruction and user education to inculcate more generally applicable attitudes, needed as the bulk of information renders the preservation of human values more important.


Apr 14th, 12:00 AM

The Technological University Library's Communication with its Public

University libraries are channels of communication which must themselves communicate with their publics, of which the most important are members of the institution and people outside it who draw upon its resources.

Dislike of the commercial overtones of the promotion of services need not inhibit communication between the library and its public.

The technological university library is favourably placed to develop communication in the broadest sense.

Communication should go beyond the accepted techniques of instruction and user education to inculcate more generally applicable attitudes, needed as the bulk of information renders the preservation of human values more important.